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Koni single-adjustable front shocks, Fox body
posted by sab123

A pair of front Koni single-adjustable shocks for Fox-body Mustang for sale. The shocks come from a race car, so they did not see much mileage, no higher than 1000 or 2000 mil ...
48974 Great $100.00
Enter Your Zip Code
8/16/2011 8:05am
Special offer for all
posted by Debi12

===============Brand HOT NEWS!!============================ Operation: Termination is released in winds. Be sure to monitor each our post as you might find usefull things sta ...
47114 None n/a 1/24/2009 11:06am
posted by 10sec80cobra

gt-40 heads 1.84/1.54 valves with 64cc. hot tanked, surfaced, and magnufluxed. ported .low miles.$650 plus shipped .email me at
43086 Excellent n/a 11/25/2006 1:32pm
52cc iron cylinder heads
posted by sab123

A set of iron Ford cylinder heads that have been machined to 52 cc (10.5 compression) and ported. Clean and nice. You will need advanced head gaskets to get them working. I ...
42533 Excellent $250.00 8/16/2011 7:56am
FS: Modified '93 Mustang GT 5 spd Awesome condition!! *Must sell to pay the bills*
posted by Unregistered

Looks like I will have to have this car sold soon to pay the bills. :mad: :crying: Please do not bother lowballing me. You will be ignored. I do have a video of the car id ...
41439 Excellent $10,499.00 11/10/2005 10:35pm
FS: '93 Mustang GT 5 spd *Awesome condition* MUST SELL!!
posted by LocoGT

As of right now, this car must go. That will hopefully change in the near future so buy it before it is too late!! Please do not bother lowballing me. You will be ignored. ...
40723 Excellent $9,999.00 12/4/2005 9:59pm
86-93 Coupe - 11 second 1994 Z28 for trade
posted by RPM_Racer

Looking to sell this car outright or trade for 1986-1993 Fox body Mustang. I can sell/trade with or without the blower. Looking for a car of equal value - preferably an auto n ...
39791 None n/a 8/16/2006 11:58am
SN95 94/95 COBRA origional valve covers
posted by HarryS

All you hot rods that installed big intakes and tall rocker arm covers, what did you all do with the stock SN95, 94/95 COBRA rocker arm covers, I need a set to finish a projec ...
38153 None n/a 7/16/2007 7:30pm
1997 GT Electric Red located in Michigan
posted by OFFdutyHERO

1997 GT Electric Red located in Michigan All the info and pics you could need is on my car domain below 103K miles asking: $6,900 obo Email me at: Snowboard2006@ao ...
35732 Great $6,900.00 8/6/2006 10:47pm
95 Carbed V8 conversion stang ***Plano TX 75023***
posted by Desperado

95 v6 mustang converted to carbed v8. all guages work in dash except the tach. the speedo reads about 3 mph faster than you are going. car runs great. still needs some fine tu ...
35295 Good n/a 10/5/2006 9:46pm
FS: Beautiful Modified '93 Mustang GT 5 spd*****
posted by godmachine

As of right now, this car must go. That will hopefully change in the near future so buy it before it is too late!! Please do not bother lowballing me. You will be ignored. ...
34960 Excellent $9,700.00 2/19/2006 11:40am
B&G Custom Turbo kit for 351W
posted by Z28EATR

Posting for a friend. This is a B&G hotside kit with custom cold air side. The cold air side routes the same way the B&G kit does. The turbo is a master power t-70 with on ...
32497 Excellent $3,600.00 3/6/2006 1:13pm
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