Original owner. White leather buckets always
covered in sheepskin, so like new. Garaged or
carport. First 8 years in Atlanta, now NW
Florida. Frequent oil changes and alwa ...
Im looking to buy a V8 mustang convertible between
the years 1994-1995. Transmission doesnt matter. I
cant spend more than 4,000. I also have 1996 2dr
blazer for trade. Thanks ...
Here we have a 2 stage Nitrouse wet system.....It
has two 10lbs. bottles (new high flow valves),two
14 foot steel braided lines to mount the bottles
in the trunk , one system ...
1984 20th Anniversary series GT 350 with all the
stamps and markings of a true collectors piece.
dash plate emblems, under 95,000 org miles. An 'A'
title automobile before my ...