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posted by REDHOT2

I bought the car in 2004 and basically rebuilt it from the ground up. Stored winters, rarely driven in the rain. Not a daily driver, sunny days only. I have all of the receipt ...
66785 Excellent $10,500.00
Enter Your Zip Code
9/28/2009 6:50pm
1993 Cobra #4123
posted by sargent1

Bought a ZO6, so need to make room in the garage. Unfortunately, that means selling my show-worthy track car, 1993 Cobra #4123. This is a black car with gray interior with 71, ...
60639 Great $15,000.00 6/21/2008 6:06pm
1988 Mustang GT road-racing car
posted by sab123

I'm moving, so rather than messing with the relocation and then converting the car to another set of rules, I'd rather sell it. What is in the car: * '88 Mustang GT, wit ...
53790 Good $5,000.00 8/16/2011 7:46am
1991 Mustang GT Cobra clone
posted by REDHOT2

I bought the car in 2004 and basically rebuilt it from the ground up. Stored winters, rarely driven in the rain. Not a daily driver, sunny days only. I have all of the receipt ...
46711 Great $12,000.00 9/25/2009 3:55pm
91 ford notch rolling chassis
posted by eric h.

for sale 1991 notchback minus engine,tranny and front seats,rolling chassis.This car will make a nice street strip platform.included in price and still on the body is front tu ...
27667 Excellent $3,500.00 11/20/2005 8:10pm
'88 road-racing Mustang
posted by Unregistered

'88 Mustang GT prepared for road-racing (not street-legal), in NJ. Raced with EMRA, would also be legal for NASA. The car had a lot of things done and a lot of money spent (h ...
23461 Good $7,000.00 12/8/2005 8:42am
'88 road race Mustang
posted by sab123

'88 road race Mustang (NOT STREET LEGAL). Has a lot of suspension work done - springs, sway bars, Koni shocks, camber plates, Ford Motorsports front suspension arms, Panhar ...
16263 Good $5,000.00 5/2/2005 12:49pm
Maximum Motorsports Panhard Bar
posted by procharge94

This panhard bar has been on a car for roughly 30 days. During this time the car saw NO track time or hard driving. The car spent most of the last month on jackstands in the ...
11929 Excellent $300.00 4/9/2005 11:21pm

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